Urban Hope is always looking for passionate, giving individuals to work with our children in the after school program or Summer Camp or to be a member of our Board.
The after school program is 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, from 3:00pm to 5:45 pm. The Summer Camp is 5 days a week from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Volunteers can give their time one day a week or up to 5 days a week.
For volunteer or Board Member information, please email us at or call us at 912.349.5475.
Volunteers can fill out the volunteer application that can be found Here.
Urban Hope serves over 40 children during our After School Program and over 70 children during our Summer Camp.
Both the After School Program and Summer Camp are free of charge for the children who attend and we do not apply any racial, religious or financial tests.
If you are a parent or guardian who would like to enroll your child in the Urban Hope program, please call 912.349.5475.

There are multiple opportunities for businesses to become involved in Urban Hope.
Employee Volunteering at program
Hosting fundraisers
Donating in kind gifts: office supplies, art and craft supplies
Become a Board Member
Plan Fund Raisers
For more information, email our Community Coordinator at or call 912.349.5475.